Our e-coaches


I’m open, honest and I love a good laugh. I live by the motto: talk less, do more. My life experiences have given me an appreciation for taking control of...


As an e-coach, I am dedicated to providing expert guidance so you can explore your challenges from a different perspective. Establishing trust, equality and open communication are key elements of...


My primary focus is creating a psychologically safe, diverse and accepting work environment; one in which you feel free to be your authentic self, recognize your unique abilities, express your...


My areas of expertise are helping people return to their job following medical leave, as well as encouraging employees and teams how to cultivate greater psychological safety. My goal is...


My approach starts with experiencing what a situation does to you; how your body, head, and emotions react. You can’t heal what you don’t feel. From there, we jointly look...


I can help you put into perspective feelings, fears, problems, irritations, or issues that sometimes become overwhelming and help you translate them into smaller, manageable challenges to regain control over...


You can expect me to be involved, curious, and respectful, but sometimes also direct. Everything is intended to let you get the best out of yourself. I’d love to walk with...


As a life coach, my mission is to guide individuals towards leading a fulfilling life without the need for an escape. I offer holistic coaching to help you grow, evolve...


100% focus on you! I guide you to work on your personal strengths and stay balanced energetically. Because when you feel good about yourself, you enjoy your work and can...


I empower my clients’ resilience through developing clarity, self-regulation, as well as building trust in their work and life communities. ...


My specialization is non-verbal communication and emotions. The guiding principle for me is Jonathan Safran Foer’s statement: “To pronounce something indicates an existence that it did not have in silence.”...


Personal values of love, empathy and inspiration are the foundation of my passion for coaching. My extensive business experience creates a strong foundation for me to e-coach people looking to...


I am a listening, supportive and enthusing guide, who walks alongside you on your chosen path. ...


As a coach / psychologist, I have been working with great satisfaction in various industries, such as business services, care, education and media. From creative startups to Fortune 500 companies....


My coaching style is intuitive, positive, adaptable, and deeply connected. I believe effective coaching takes place outside the comfort zone, requiring both coach and coachee to take risks and continuously...


I am committed to helping you achieve your personal or business goals, regardless of any challenges. Your aim is the distant point that requires energy, discipline, and courage to reach....


I'm going to provide you with the support you need to bring out the best in yourself. My experience has shown me that everyone has a positive drive somewhere. ...


As a coach, my goal is to enhance people's potential. I'm practical, direct, and help clients find their own solutions and path forward. My approach is creative and solution-oriented, balancing...


As an online coach, I focus on optimizing your brain and body, often underutilized but crucial for change. Leveraging insights from psychology, behavioral science, and neuroscience, I help you maximize...


Expect honesty, creativity, and active listening from your coach. I'm here to support your success journey. You have the courage to dream and answer your questions. My role is to...


Are you juggling various tasks and wish to boost your productivity or improve team communication? Facing a tough work environment? I coach young professionals and business leaders to overcome career...


I believe in progression in all aspects of life and think that self-awareness leads to better decisions. As your e-coach, I offer active participation, practical solutions, and constructive criticism when...


I am here to inspire and guide you in managing difficult situations. This could relate to collaboration or communication with coworkers, achieving your business or personal growth targets, maintaining a...


As a vitality expert, I help people navigate personal and professional challenges and achievements. We may face hardships like separation, job loss, illness, or bereavement, or strive for goals like...


Are you feeling uncertain about your career path and unsure of how to progress further? Do you often find that your work lacks fulfillment and recognition? As an online coach,...


As an E-coach at WOOSH5, I consider it crucial to motivate people to introspect their behaviors independently. I take pleasure in offering the trainee a figurative mirror. Nothing overly complex...


I coach with an open mind, believing you're in control of your life. I help identify and overcome hindrances, creating a judgment-free environment for growth. I aim to give you...


As an E-coach, I want to work with you towards achieving awareness in choice freedom. To make the right choices, we investigate together what your goal is....


Clients say that I have a natural calmness that comforts people in creating a safe and open space. My style is pragmatic, intuitive and lovingly confronting when needed....


Your destiny is shaped by your decisions, not fate. Everything you need is within reach and the challenge lies in ignoring distractions. As a coach, I guide you back on...


I closely listen to my clients' aspirations, recognizing their unique potential and pace. My coaching approach involves asking insightful questions to discover their individuality and talents. ...


By challenging you and holding you accountable, I aid in raising awareness, gaining insights, and empowering you to do what's necessary to reach your goals....


Through resilience coaching, I help you view challenges differently, embrace uncertainty, and accept failures. We focus on achievable goals, refining your thoughts and habits for success. I provide support, insights,...



Expect honesty, creativity, and active listening from your coach. I'm here to support your success journey. You have the courage to dream and answer your questions. My role is to...


I motivate my clients to take control of their lives, drawing from my diverse experiences and coaching style. I mainly guide in areas such as career, leadership, business, finance, relationships,...


As an e-coach I support you by tapping into your resilience and creativity, your energy, experience and values, and by asking powerful questions so that you can develop an action...


As your E-coach, I aim to inspire and empower your personal and professional growth through trust and authenticity. I'm passionate about fostering resilience and goal setting, helping you understand yourself,...


As an executive coach, I specialize in leadership and team building for new managers. I aim to establish strong, authentic relationships to boost performance and job satisfaction. ...


I assist clients in guiding themselves and achieving their utmost potential. The stress of juggling work and personal life can be overwhelming, but I use my knowledge of leadership, culture,...


As a coach, I provide open, honest, and dynamic guidance to help individuals and teams reach their full potential. We'll collaboratively navigate your coaching needs, gain deep insights, and establish...


For two decades, I've been dedicated to assisting leaders in embracing authentic leadership. From new managers to CEOs and c-suite executives, I've guided them in constructing high-functioning teams and engaging...


Globalization and disruptive technologies have created tough business environments for employees and owners. Companies resort to "right-sizing" and repositioning to stay competitive. I've helped stakeholders from various industries cope with...


As an executive coach and leadership consultant, I aim to significantly impact C-level executives, directors, and department heads by improving their personal and leadership skills. I also mentor high-potential leaders...


I assist clients in managing time and relationships, promoting growth, and developing emotional stability and integrity. I also enhance their teamwork skills within organizations. Using a purpose-driven and strength-based approach,...


As an online coach, I combine coaching with proven methods grounded in psychology, counseling, and various psychotherapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Person-Centred Therapy, Child-Centred...


A committed and results-oriented attitude. I will challenge you where it can help you, but also stand by your side when needed. I am optimistic, patient and reliable. ...


I assist clients in recognizing how resilience can aid in lowering their stress levels. I help them identify what they specifically need at any given moment in their lives to...


I guide caring, sensitive professionals to take control over their own (work) environment. Learning to choose, express yourself and set boundaries are essential skills to take ownership of this....


As a coach, I am assertive, lovingly confrontational, and concrete. I love unraveling and ordering. Handy for people who are busy in their head or lead a life full of...


I am a curious advocate for ‘Dynamic Careers’, always seeking the untapped potential within you. By asking development-focused questions, reviewing your progress, and inspiring you to think differently, we can...


I strongly believe that everyone can find their own path, get through transitions, change and grow, learn how to integrate, communicate, and build the life they want. ...


When working with me, you can expect a safe space to be your most authentic self. I will support you in managing your nervous system, opting for a holistic approach...


I am a career coach for successful, overworked professionals who want to bring more joy, health, and purpose into their work....


Since 2009, I have been providing coaching services in Dutch, French, English, and Mandarin Chinese to clients locally and globally. ...


As your coach, my primary focus is guiding you toward embracing your authentic self and confidently embodying that version of you in both your professional and personal life....


I listen to you with an open mind and a warm heart. I ask you (confronting) questions to get closer to your feelings, visualize your beliefs and discover your personal...