Sander Spanenburg


What you can expect from me
A committed and results-oriented attitude. I will challenge you where it can help you, but also stand by your side when needed. I am optimistic, patient and reliable. In my view, the combination of an effective mindset and a focused action orientation is a basic prerequisite for growth. I help you pinpoint exactly where the issue lies, and then make the associated actions as small and manageable as possible.

Resilience for me
Resilience, in my view, is simply the ability to bounce back after challenging events. It’s about acknowledging what makes something challenging for you, closely looking at how you label and judge events (how you talk to yourself), and further discovering what are effective tools and methods for you to guard your (positive) energy, focus and motivation.

I have a master’s degree in business administration (Change Management) and subsequently gained 10+ years of mainly interim experience in Human Resources and Change. This within a multitude of organizations including international Corporates. In addition, since 2010 I have my own (career) coaching practice and I am a certified Registered Career Professional. I assist individuals with career issues and employees and executives from various clients with broader development issues.