

How I help clients

As an experienced Leadership Coach, I focus on team building, leadership, and personal growth. I believe people can achieve their goals but are often hindered by their own thoughts. I assist clients in self-reflection to identify and overcome barriers like fear or limiting beliefs. By challenging them with new viewpoints and reminding them of past successes, I instill confidence. I guide clients to set goals, take action, and overcome obstacles to fulfill their dreams.

Resilience for me

Thoughts influence emotions, and understanding this can help control emotional responses. Life is dynamic with triggers all around. It’s not about overcoming these triggers, but reshaping your thoughts, perceptions and mindset to maintain emotional balance.


I am an accredited ICF coach and Training Facilitator. I graduted Master of Management in Human Resource. I have worked for 21 years in office building management company as HR Manager and Operation Manager, and 6 years in coaching and training industry as Coach and Training Facilitator on Coaching Skills for Leaders. My coaching style is based on renewing mindsets with focus of respect for objectivity.