Maartje Bakker


What to expect from me
I am a career coach for successful, overworked professionals who want to bring more joy, health, and purpose into their work. My clients work and stress less, while performing better with greater enjoyment. My coaching is never the same and tailored to your unique situation, goals, and challenges. Instead of advising, teaching, or mentoring, I use my coaching skills & tools to help you find the answers and solutions that work for you today and in the future. Together we reach your goals faster – and with a whole lot more fun & ease.​

Resilience to me
The goal is not to move through life without encountering obstacles. Instead, I aim to train the muscle of resilience within myself and my clients so we can move through the highs and lows of life with more grace, love, and ease. You are already resilient. Let’s strengthen that muscle together.

As a former tech leader, I bridge the gap between the corporate world, startup scene, and entrepreneurship. This unique background allows me to understand a broad scope of professional scenarios and bring innovative ways to work through obstacles. I am a certified Personal Performance Coach and support professionals all over this globe, from the USA to Europe and Asia.