Mathilde Quispel


What you can expect from me

I focus on helping you harness your strengths and maintain your energy balance. By facilitating self-reflection, we explore your beliefs, emotions, and desires to make aligned decisions. If needed, I offer concrete tips and strategies. My coaching approach is open, honest, positive, and rooted in commitment, trust, and respect. I aim to provide a safe space for your personal growth.

Resilience for me

Resilience, to me, is about being able to bounce back and maintain function amid life’s challenges, big or small. It’s about not wallowing in hardship, but rather finding ways to stay energized. As the saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. In essence, strive to make the best of what you have, even when life appears to be against you.


With a background in Nutrition and Health and 16 years in the FMCG sector, I’ve worked in communication, project management, coaching, and training. In 2019, I became a NOBCO certified coach and started my own business. Now, I dedicate myself to boosting people’s resilience and bringing joy and strength into their lives.